Sorry for the lack of updates. Sometimes I feel like I married my office. Lately, I haven't really left it before 9pm almost on a daily base. I also started swimming again and I am busy looking for a Orthopedic Surgent for my Hallux Valgus (Yes I wanna get this done, before I leave).
Oh and for those of you, who wonder, yup... I am still "misting out"... aka trying to say "bye bye" to things I never need again. lol.. it's harder than I thought and I have still sooo much... gosh.... where did it all come from? (I suspect my Boss Barbara to sneak into my house and fill it up with junk, so I am not able to leave Israel EVER.. rofl) ;)
Barbs... my dear.... You want me to go to the USA.... after all, you'll have a nice guest room waiting for you there in B'more.. you know.. the city close to that other city, where a very handsome new President is moving in to a very white house. (Is the "white house" politically correct??? I doubt that... lol)
Anyways... due to the fact, that I did work so many hours the last few months, it will all take more time. So far, I actually enjoyed the winter in Israel (I think thats the first time in all those years I live here) and I am not angry, to wait with the move until the sun shows it's pretty face again in B'more. :)
PS. I have to get in good swimming shape, if I want to make a good impression on MP... or.. should I go with Plan B too??? "Drowing Turtle"?? hahahaha
Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season and HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!