Sorry for the lack of updates. Sometimes I feel like I married my office. Lately, I haven't really left it before 9pm almost on a daily base. I also started swimming again and I am busy looking for a Orthopedic Surgent for my Hallux Valgus (Yes I wanna get this done, before I leave).
Oh and for those of you, who wonder, yup... I am still "misting out"... aka trying to say "bye bye" to things I never need again. lol.. it's harder than I thought and I have still sooo much... gosh.... where did it all come from? (I suspect my Boss Barbara to sneak into my house and fill it up with junk, so I am not able to leave Israel EVER.. rofl) ;)
Barbs... my dear.... You want me to go to the USA.... after all, you'll have a nice guest room waiting for you there in B'more.. you know.. the city close to that other city, where a very handsome new President is moving in to a very white house. (Is the "white house" politically correct??? I doubt that... lol)
Anyways... due to the fact, that I did work so many hours the last few months, it will all take more time. So far, I actually enjoyed the winter in Israel (I think thats the first time in all those years I live here) and I am not angry, to wait with the move until the sun shows it's pretty face again in B'more. :)
PS. I have to get in good swimming shape, if I want to make a good impression on MP... or.. should I go with Plan B too??? "Drowing Turtle"?? hahahaha
Wishing you all a wonderful Holiday Season and HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!
happy new year :o)
das update, auf das ich mich am meisten freue, berichtet sowieso von deinem umzug nach baltimore...
weiterhin fröhliches ausmisten ;o)
Happy New year to you too :)
Na hoffen wir, dass ich mein Haus ohne Bombeneinschussloecher verkaufen kann... hmmm... die Raketen sind nur noch 15km vom Haus entfernt... naja.. wird schon. :)
urgh, das klingt gruselig :o( drücke dir die daumen, dass sie nicht dichter kommen...
Happy New Year 2009, Gali!! I am back to Ireland again and enjoying my days off at home...pretty wrecked after the busy trip to Vienna and Prague. Hope all is well with you, let me know how everything is going in Baltimore! Hugs
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