Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Who wants to buy my house???
Afterwards I went to the first floor. Fifi and her kids live there... I was speechless when I saw the flat... wow.. I felt, like entering another world. It is sooo beautiful. (I have to go and make some pics for the blog).. We drank coffee, talked about houses and renovation and of course selling my house.
So... Fifi's daughter is looking for a place... close by her mom.. and what could be closer than next door? We talked a bit about prices and I told them, that before I get my realtor to work, I'll show her my house. We do already agree more or less on the price. :)
After a lot of bla bla and coffee, I wanted to go home and run into the owner of the last flat in the house. When I told him, that I would like to sell, he was explaining me, that he is right now checking out for how much he could sell his flat... and that he would actually like to be considered buying my house, if he gets about half the money from selling his place. He will let me know in about a week.
It was a good day.... I had to walk only 10 meters to find two potential buyers... :) I hope it will keep going this way... I want to sell ASAP and move...
Monday, October 20, 2008
Alright... bevor I can even think of moving, I need to empty the house... sooo many things.. it's crazy.. you only realize how much stuff you have.. when you move.... (I believe there should be a law that you have to move every so and so many years to get the chance to clean up) hahaha
Anyways... I am cleaning up and I have many many things to sell or give away... so... anyone in the area.. if you need something.. just give me a call and come over and pick it up :)
I have for example:

6 Ikea Chairs

2 Ikea Bar stools

Saturday, October 18, 2008
Blonde Muus moves on....
It all started on a sunny Wednesday Morning, October 1st, 2008, on Rosh Ha'Shana. When i updated my old blog and realized, that I am kind of stuck. That every year, I make plans and never fulfil them, that I dream big but realize very little.
So I made a list with all my dreams, wishes, hopes and fears. I also made a list on how to achieve my dreams and what it would "cost" me.
Here it is:
- Moving to the USA
- Studying Design in Israel/ Germany/ USA
- Moving to Berlin, working and hopefully be able to study and then hoping that with my degree, I'll find an employer who is willing to pay for a work visa to the USA
- Staying in Israel and be miserable till the end of days
So, as you can see, 4 is for sure not an option.. lol
Number 3 is not too bad but, will I really find someone to hire me after my studies? Will it be enough to get a Visa? Or will it "cost" me around 6 years of my life and not bringing me any closer to the USA?
Number 2 would actually be cool.. but.. who has that kind of money?And again, will I get a good job after that? Will I get a Visa for the USA? Or will I be stuck afterwards either in Israel or Europe?
Number 1 sounds lovely, but how on earth will I be able to get a work permit? Trusting in the Greencard Lottery didn't work so far either and looking for an American Husband... ah yeah... we had that already... NO GOOD CAN COME FROM THAT.. lol
So you see, no matter how I twisted and turned my ideas, I was no closer to a solution.... :(
I realized, I need a Plan B!
Funny enough, Plan B was there all the time, I just didn't think of it. How about, I mix most of my ideas and make one big plan? ;) And that is exactly what I did.
- I will renovate my house and sell it
- I found a lawyer who is going to help me with all the paperwork. (Hey.. I have a full time job AND I have 4 dogs!!! lol I can't do all alone and why should I if you can pay someone to do it right?)
- As soon as the house is about to be sold, I fly over to check out the situation for a nice store to rent/ buy/ take over
- Biz Plan will be sent to the Embassy
- I pack my few things and move with dogs and cats
The countdown has started..... lets "Dream Big" !!!!
Baltimore, here I come!!!!!!!!!!