Saturday, November 8, 2008

Another week

So... it's over a month, since I decided to sell my house. Funny enough, people I thought would be against it, like the idea very much and are happy for me and others who hardly ever talk to me, suddenly think, they have to lecture me on "how to live MY life"... well... thanks but no thanks. (After all.. where have you been, when I had no job, hardly enough money to buy food for the zoo and me and wasn't even able to pay all my monthly bills??!!) ufff..

Anyways, I am happy about the mostly positive feedback and still sorting things out. Oh and I found a nice home for my fishies and my lobster... it will be hard, to say good bye to them, but I know it is for the best... they would not make it to the US and I want them to have a good life. (and hey, I can always go and visit) :)

Ok, if everything goes according to plan, the house should go on market end of December till max. mid January. (lets keep your fingers crossed.

Not easy to say good bye to the house either, but I will get a new nice one very soon. Yay!

ps. those are old pics... when I bought the house.... due to the fact, that my house is not yet renovated, I can't put updated ones in.. but hey... it's still the same house.. rofls.. ;)


svennika said...

wow! kann gut verstehen, dass du dich von dem haus auch nicht so ganz locker-flockig trennen kannst - würde mir SEHR schwerfallen! total schön!!

Unknown said...

Es ist ein geniales Haus.... die Decke 4.5 Meter oben.... und Dachterasse habe ich auch von 100 Metern.... wird nicht einfach.. das Meer gleich um die Ecke.... tja... aber was sein "muus", das "muus" eben sein.. rofls... Und ich werd sicher in einem neuen Haus auch gluecklich.... :)

Daggy said...

Wow, ein Klasse-Haus... Gefaellt mir auch sehr gut! Was nimmst Du denn an Moebeln mit?

LG aus Texas,


PS: Wenn Du mal gucken willst,hier ist unser Blog:

Da sind auch Bilder vom Kater dabei, denn sie geht mit mir immer auf die Roadtrip :D