I am still cleaning out every weekend. Incredible how much stuff one person can have..... and I have to admit, that it isn't always easy to throw things away. Happy memories you wanna hold on .. but.. how much is too much?
So I try to be strong every weekend anew and get rid of things that once were part of my life. But every now and then, I find a little piece of "memory" that amuses me or makes me smile, things I have long forgotten. Those are the things I for sure wanna keep and will take with me. Such as old "love letters, that I never sent", pictures from my childhood, letters from my great-grandmother sent to my grandmother, prices I won during my active time as a "junior jockey"... well I guess you get the pic.
Things I love to destroy... such as pics of old boyfriends, bad school tests, old school books....
Ah.. I give myself another month... then I wanna start renovating and then put the house on the market.. :o) (can't wait)
Every bag of garbage that I throw away, is a step closer to B'more.... that's all I have to keep in mind... to get me going... and.. so far, it works very well.. my mom would be proud of me ;) rofl..
Marathon Year 2010 - 2011 aka "I run, therefore I am"
I remember it very clearly. Just a year ago, mid May, running and suffering
a 10K in Tel Aviv in the heat, cursing myself every single step of the
race. I...
13 years ago
happy de-cluttering! wir sind da auch grade dabei (zumindest versuchen wir es...), memories und gerümpel x2, kannst dir vielleicht vorstellen, wie es bei uns grade aussieht *stöhn*
hahaha.. das stell ich mir lieber nicht vor... es reicht wenn ich mein Chaos anschauen muss.. :o)
Viel Spass beim Ausmisten ;)
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